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How to Increase Fertility Naturally

Conceiving a child may be easier for some couples more than others. Today’s health conscious women are opting for a more natural approach to increase fertility before considering methods that require taking high doses of medication, like in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Here are some nutrients and herbs, along with lifestyle changes that have been found to increase fertility in both men and women.

Nutrients and Herbs

Role of antioxidants:Many vitamins and minerals including zinc and selenium have been found to have a beneficial effect on fertility and can help protect eggs and sperm against free radical damage. Selenium protects the cells from oxidative damage caused by stress.


Zinc: By itself, zinc plays an important role for men as it promotes testosterone production. And for women, zinc helps maintain a healthy hormone balance.

Lifestyle changes

Get a good night sleep: Not getting enough sleep can speed up the aging process. Make a conscious effort to prepare for a restful sleep. Shut down your electronics well before bedtime and spend some quiet time reading or meditating. Magnesium otherwise known as natures tranquilizer can also help as it reduces tiredness & fatigue and supports the nervous system  as well as many other benefits. It has been shown to support bones muscles & teeth.


Try not to stress:This is easier said than done, but is so important. Stress is one of the leading issues that affect fertility in both men and women. Stress can harm sperm development, and can also wreak havoc on a woman’s monthly cycle, causing reproductive systems to shut down. When you start feeling stressed, take some time to unwind, whether by taking a walk, doing yoga, picking up a book, or catching up with a friend.

Create a toxin-free environment:“Dioxins”

 – which are key toxins that can be found in everyday products, such as cosmetics, plastics, canned food liners, stain repellents, metals and pesticides – can have a negative impact on reproductive development in both men and women. Opting for organic foods and products to reduce your exposure to harmful toxins can be very beneficial in improving your fertility.

Consult with your doctor: If you’re planning to start a family or have questions about fertility, choosing the natural route can be a great beginning. Before starting a new dietary or lifestyle regime, however, be sure to consult with your doctor for the best natural plan for you.


If you are looking for one supplement that provides many of the nutrients and benefits you need, check out: Bioadvanced Vital man which improves testosterone & muscle support and Bioadvanced Monthly for women which supports hormonal health & fertility as well as energy metabolism. It’s a safe, natural and effective way to get a lot of the nutrients you need.


**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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